

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


下面,我们一起看看 CNBC 对此次 iPhone 定价策略的分析。

iPhone XS, XS Max and XR pricing strategy

Apple raised iPhone prices overall, but one new model could entice those who sat out last year's X


表示“诱惑;诱使”,英文解释为:to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere, usually by offering them something that they want,短语:entice sb/sth to do sth,举个🌰:

Our special offers are intended to entice people to buy.


· Apple's new iPhone lineup is more expensive than ever.

· Meanwhile, the iPhone XR will have mass appeal because it brings the futuristic features from last year's iPhone X for hundreds less.

· This will help Apple boost iPhone sales growth and profits.

On Wednesday, Apple did something clever with pricing on its new iPhones. It made the cutting-edge technology it introduced in last year's iPhone X available at a much lower price, which could help it sell more iPhones to people who sat out last year's high-end.


cutting-edge字面意思是“刀刃,刀口”,实际上表示某事物发展的“最尖端,最前沿”,和state-of-the-art同义,State of the art, the highest level of development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field,如:research that's at the cutting edge of computer science


sit out

sit out主要有两个意思。

1)表示“不参加(舞蹈、游戏等)活动”,英文解释为“to not take part in a physical activity such as a dance or a game, because you are tired or injured”,如:

I'm feeling rather tired, so I think I'll sit out the next dance.


2)表示“等待…结束,熬到…结束”,英文解释为“to wait for an unpleasant situation or event to finish, without leaving or taking some other action”,如:

The company's management is prepared to sit out the strike rather than agree to union demands.


But it did this while increasing prices at almost every level of its lineup, which will help it keep its average selling price — and profits — high.

Apple announced three new iPhone models: the iPhone XR, iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max. All three models include large displays with minimal borders, no home button and the FaceID camera system for unlocking the device using facial recognition. Here's how the pricing strategy breaks down.

The entry-level model

The entry-level iPhone XR, which starts at $749, will likely be a big seller. It has many of the key features found in the high-end X line, including FaceID and a high-powered processor that should make certain tasks faster and more efficient.

But costs a lot less than last year's X thanks to features like its cheaper LCD display, aluminum body and single-lens camera. To those who were put off by the $1,000 price tag on last year's iPhone X, this year's iPhone XR will look like a steal. That could help overall unit sales pick up.


steal用作动词大家都是知道,意思是“偷,窃取”,这里作为名词,表示“便宜货,极廉价的物品;低价”,英文解释为“a product that has a very low price, or a price that is much lower than the original cost”,口语里也通常可以说It was a steal,很便宜,跟白送的一样。如:

I picked up a book in the sale - it was a steal.


At the same time, the iPhone XR is more expensive than last year's entry-level iPhone 8, which started at $699. And two years ago, it cost only $649 to get the newest base iPhone model. In other words, the cost of entry to get in on the latest iPhone has increased by $100 over the last two years.

The high-end

The mid-range iPhone XS starts at the same $999 price as last year's iPhone X and is functionally similar. But last year, the X was the top of the line, the luxury model.

This year, Apple is selling the iPhone XS Max with a 6.5-inch screen, which starts at $1,099 and goes all the way up to $1,449 if you get the model with 512GB of storage. It's the most expensive iPhone Apple has ever produced.

Last year, if you wanted a big new iPhone, Apple offered the iPhone 8 Plus, which started at $799. It didn't have the newest iPhone X features like the high-resolution screen or Face ID, but it was also cheaper.

The low-end

Apple is eliminating its lowest-price option, the iPhone SE, which started at $349. Price-conscious buyers will still be able to get old iPhones at steep discounts from their debut prices — the iPhone 7 will start at $449 (it debuted in 2016 at $649), and the iPhone 8 will start at $599 (down from last year’s introductory price of $699).


-conscious此处用于构成复合词,表示“注重…的”,combines with words such as "health," "fashion," "politically," and "environmentally" to form adjectives which describe someone who believes that the aspect of life indicated is important. 如:

We're all becoming increasingly health-conscious these days.




steep rents 昂贵的租金

steep cuts 大幅度削减

a steep rise/increase in house prices 房价的急剧上涨

a steep drop/decrease in orders 订单的锐减

introductory price

意思是“试销优惠/价格,试销价,推介新产品优待价”,英文解释为:a special low price that is charged for a new product for a limited period of time,也可以说:introductory offer

It's the perfect setup for Apple. After proving it could charge more for new iPhones, the company has quietly increased the price to buy into the newest models. We won’t know for sure if the strategy will work until Apple reports its December quarter earnings, but based on how successful the pricey iPhone X has been, Apple should be able to keep iPhone sales and profits growing.







